ich veranstalte am 17.8.2017 in der Pumpe Kiel eine
kleine Lesung aus meinem Punkroman "PSEUDO".
Der Eintritt ist frei.
Beste Grüße
Euer Roland Scheller
We had constantly to get in touch with each
other to order with several punks so we could share the postage. Prior to the
arrival of the package, one of us - the addressee - collected the money so that
cash could be paid immediately. If we missed the parcel carriage, the post
office stored our records for a week at Karlstal Post Office in Kiel-Gaarden.
It happened several times that we could not accept the package directly at the
front door. Therefore on the following day we drove with a small group of punks
to the east bank to pay for the parcel and accept it. The cardboard box was
then immediately torn up directly in the post office and the records handed
over to the owners. It was like a Christmas holiday. We drove back lucky to
Kiel-North and proudly inspected our brand new records on the bus.Soon I decided to collect 7-inches from the
labels Riot City Records and No Future, because despite the Finnish Punk and
Ami hardcore waves, I was more interested in English punk in the long term.
Germanpunk had hardly a chance with me. There had to be something
extraordinary. I was straight in this case. Especially reports on cover, inside
cover and posters did not leave me cold, as well as bandinfos, political
statements or violence calls. It was absolutely my world to read the English
punk lyrics, while at the same time the record played loudly.
Donnerstag, 3. August 2017
Und hier der Site-Stripe-Link zum eBook (Text und Bild):